Sunday, April 19, 2009

Let's get down and dirty...

Does anyone even believe in no money down real estate investing anymore? Robert Allen wrote and spoke about this all the way back in the '80s. Who doesn't want to make money without any thing at risk?! Investing is all about managing risk. That's why Warren Buffett is so highly paid - he makes money for his clients and mitigates risk! Bernie Madoff was well known for this too. That one didn't work out so well!

So, can it be done? Can one start with no money and bring in the big bucks? Yes, you can. With a little knowledge and some guts, you can make money in real estate with no money of your own, even in today's falling market.

If you're even a little interested in real estate investing, you may have looked into ivestment training classes and discovered they're expensive! It's true that you can earn the entire investment back in one deal - (that's where the guts comes in - placing $25,000 on your Visa card!), but you can get started without expensive training. You just need to have some self confidence, believe in yourself! Believe you deserve to be wealthy and learn to earn.

I'll write on some specific no money down real estate investing strategies next, but for now, go to and learn more to earn more!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Saving Money is a Waste of Time!

So most of the financial authorities will tell you to save and invest your money. You should pay yourself first. Count on compound interest to do its job and make you rich. The story goes something like this:

Would you rather I give you ten thousand dollars today, or one penny today - doubled each day for a month? Most people unfiamiliar with the example would choose the ten grand, but if you do the math, you'll have over one million dollars, (well over) by the end of one month!

This sounds great, but there is one problem. I've yet to be offered one penny doubled each day for a month! In order to take advantage of compounding interest, I need to take money from my pocket today to save for tomorrow. I did this once - and by once I mean for 17 years! I was determined my children would grow up knowing a college education was paid for. All they would have to do is get the grades to get into the school of their choice. My husband and I saved, worked and put off the memory making fun we could have had with the cash we put aside. We watched the money grow and we deversified. The year before my oldest graduated from high school she had all of the money she would need to go to any school she could choose. What a great feeling! We did it! We had no control over the market, however, and by the time my precious daughter graduated from high school, her fund portfolio was worth less than we had put into it. The value had dropped by seventy five percent. What a waste of time and life!

I've since discovered new experts who tell me I can have it all now - and have it all later. Do you think that sounds hard? Risky? It's actually easier and much more fun this way! I'm enjoying the freedom which cash flow brings, knowing I'm in control. Let the market do its thing. I'm teaching my children to be independent, to make their own future.

I know you're thinking this is too good to be true. For more information, read Garrett Gundersen's Killing Sacred Cows or join me on to start creating your future today.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Today, I was the authority.

Today I spent a good part of my day on the phone, and having coffee with, new "real estate investors". These are people who spent tens of thousands of dollars to sit in classes and listen to experts tell them how to get rich in real estate this month.

I'm sure these experts (authorities) really do know how to buy and sell real estate with no money down, so why can't their students go out and make it happen?

Dolf De Roos tells a story on how he did a study to determine how many of his students actually became real estate investors. If I remember correctly, the number he came up with was 3%. Out of all of the thousands of students he taught over the years, only 3% ever took action on the information they learned from him.

I'm debating with myself over the answer to this question. On one hand I think it's probably fear that keeps people from acting on their dreams, and on the other, I believe it's a serious lack of self-confidence. Perhaps these two really go hand in hand. They're evil twins infecting 97% of our population, and education is the only cure.

Go to and join me in my quest to eradicate the twin viruses of fear and self-doubt.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

In the beginning...

If you're anything like me, you have grown up with the idea that should go to school, get good grades, get a job and save for retirement. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail! What if this isn't the truth? What if there is another way, a better way of thinking?

I have been studying success for a few years now and this is what I've found...

It's not about the money. Successful people provide goods and services that are valuable to others. The more value you create, the more money will flow to you. So, if you are asking yourself "How can I make more money?" you are asking the wrong question! Making money is called counterfeiting (unless it's Uncle Sam doing the making) and it is illegal! We need to earn it. We do that by creating value for others.

So, my question of the day is "How can I create more value for others?"

Hmmm, good question...If I had the ability to create massive value, I wouldn't need to ask this question in the first place. So, I think I need to take this question up a level. There are people out there who are successful at what I want to do. It stands to reason that if I do what they have done, I'll get the same results. As of today I'm going to Question Authority and write down their answers!
Visit and join me in my adventure in success!